HANGON WEBINAR: Fill the line - a modern production philosophy | Hangon

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Mon, 09/07/2020 - 13:43 | Information

HANGON WEBINAR: Fill the line - a modern production philosophy

Do you know that hanging density is often #1 factor affecting coating line profitability? By simply using a denser hanging technique, you can hang goods 2.5 times faster, increase the output 5 times and save 38% of the total coating cost!

During the webinar, we will explain how to measure and understand coating line productivity. We will explain reasons to increase hanging density since this is often the greatest potential for productivity improvement and how utilization of  released capacity dramatically increases the profitability of the coating line.

Fill the line - a modern production philosophy

September 24th (10 am CET)
October 1st (2  pm CET)

Interested in participating? Register for free by sending an email to: webinar@hangon.se

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