FAQ | HangOn AB

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F A Q – Masking

1. I paint 2 colours after each other and I´m getting colour/surface changes under the tape!?

2. The green tape doesn´t stick?

3. How big discs can you supply?

4. Can back side (liner) of a disc-set be slited?

5. What is acceptable storing-time for tape?

6. I need special size of special discs with special printing!?

7. Doesn´t paper/MDF/cork burn at 200 Celsius?

8. Does silicone shrink at higher temperatures?

9. How many times can a silicone plug be used?

10. How many times can I use an EPDM plug in powder coating?

11. How do I get rid of flakes?

12. Can silicone rubber absorb liquids?

13. Can silicone rubber cause silicone contamination?

14. Is it possible to glue silicone rubber to steel?

15. DSM 10 (magnet sheet) falls off in the oven!?

16. I want a rubber cloth that is 20mm thick!?

17. Is it possible to watercut with several beams parallell?

18. In which sizes can Colour match panels (PP) be produced?

19. We have been using the same conical plug for several years and with the last shipment we got plugs that broke!?

20. We´ve been testing GGM06, but the problem is that it´s hollow, which means that flakes are left inside after cleaning it?

21. I think that paint sticks less on pink plugs than on yellow ones!

22. Can you cut tubes with 45 degree angle?


F A Q - Hanging

1. How much copper is there on a hook?

2. Why is there copper on the wire?

3. Why a DV hook instead of a radius hook?

4. I have a product weighing 4 kg. Which wire dimension shall I use?

5. I get too big hanging marks with a 3mm hook. What shall I do?

6. Your hooks can´t stand so many burn-offs as your competitors spring wire hooks!

7. We have capacity problems, but we don´t want to invest money in expensive special jigs!?

8. We are getting our rail and conveyer full painted!?

9. For how long can we use a hook?

10. Why H11B instead of H1B?

11. I have problems with dust falling down from my conveyer